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Karen on cover of May’s Best Holistic Life magazine May 1, 2024

Color Your World: Painting a Path to Mental Wellness – Within the human soul’s eternal search for release, creativity remains a timeless gateway for growth, self-discovery, and healing. Since the early days of cave paintings, creative expression has transcended time, offering people of all ages unique avenues to cope with life’s challenges and heal their inner selves. Most of us are terribly disconnected from our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. We live in a world that encourages us to be externally focused and outwardly driven. But self-love is about consciously directing some of that energy inwardly. Personal journeys like mine
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Categories: Karen's Articles and Uncategorized.

Best Holistic Life Magazine features Painting Your Soul

Blossoming Afresh: Channeling Spring’s Renewal Through Art April 1, 2024 by Karen Hanlon Blossoming Afresh: Channeling Spring’s Renewal Through Art – April showers bring May flowers. As spring bursts forth with blooms after the dormancy of winter, a sense of rebirth and regeneration sweeps over us. The season offers a symbolic fresh start—an opportunity to blossom anew. In this spirit of renewal, creative expression provides a powerful medium through which we can embrace spring’s promise. Art allows us to break free of old patterns, open our eyes to new possibilities, and reconnect with passions that may have lain fallow. Poet Philip
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Categories: Karen's Articles and Uncategorized.

3 Ways Holistic Art Therapy Unlocks Self-Love and Healing

February is a time when the world turns its gaze to love, new beginnings, and the promise of spring on the horizon. It’s a month filled with expectations, both joyful and challenging. As the founder of Painting Your Soul, I want to share with you the transformative power of holistic art therapy during this unique time of year when emotions run deep and the need for healing is paramount. “Inhale Confidence. Exhale Doubt.” These words have been my guiding mantra throughout my ten-year journey with Painting Your Soul. They encapsulate the essence of what we offer and what has helped
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Categories: Karen's Articles and Uncategorized.