The Painting Your Soul™ Program has already impacted many lives. Below are some stories of those who have experienced the powerful impact of this special program.

Briyin Butgereit – Founder, Today Matters Mental Health
Living sixty-three plus years having experienced numerous traumas that have filled my life, I have found a non-judgemental resource.
“Painting Your Soul” allows me to put aside the internal noise, surround myself like a cocoon and allow my inner self to be brushed on a canvas. So many therapists, so many times telling my story, many dollars spent for empty outcomes.
Painting Your Soul is a nominal investment to begin an internal self-therapy that once the brush strokes begin in unison with your thoughts a transformation begins. It’s not about needing a talent to paint, it’s about a inner relationship with one’s self where a comfort level is created like a pillow for your brain.
I encourage everyone to try this either by yourself or in a group setting to feel the impact this could have on your life.
Karen – Veteran at Quantum Leap Farms
“It made me way less anxious…I got to get inside myself a little bit and I totally forgot I was anxious. I let myself go!”
Danielle Swanson Muñoz
I loved my experience with your Painting Your Soul kit so much that I have shipped them to friends and family as gifts. Every person would benefit from this relaxing and introspective process. You’ve created something amazing, Karen!
Suzana Stein
I had the opportunity to participate in a Painting Your Soul workshop recently.
I found the experience so peaceful and enjoyable, there are many components including meditation, journaling, aroma therapy and painting. I felt so calm and relaxed and I continue to use the meditation when I wake up at night and I can’t get back to sleep I put in my headphones and play the meditation and I fall back to sleep again. I have purchased a couple more canvases and I look forward to painting again soon.
As a busy business owner, it’s easy for me to become overwhelmed in the hustle and bustle of daily tasks, losing sight of the broader canvas of life. This kit, with its thoughtful assortment of tools and materials, allowed me to pause, to breathe, and to regenerate. But more than relaxation, the Painting Your Soul Art Expression Box has been a catalyst for transformation. It’s more than just art; it’s a medium through which I’ve been able to channel emotions, find clarity, and reconnect with the passions and dreams that often get lost in the business of life. I didn’t just find art; I found a piece of myself that I had long forgotten.
So much personal healing goodness wrapped up in one kit! If you’re going through something, this Painting Your Soul art therapy kit is the missing piece in your journey to processing and expressing yourself in a powerful way. I didn’t know what to expect and yet went on an hour-long heartfelt introspective journey that ended up as a piece of beautiful art, designed by my soul.
Painting Your Soul Workshop
I loved it so much, this was a life-changing experience for me and it will be for so many people.
Painting Your Soul Workshop
This was incredible! Thank you for this experience, this was incredible! I put my journal on my bed to remind me to journal before I go to sleep. Thank you!
Jaclyn Shedden, APRN
Owner of Blue Skye Health & Wellness
I recently had the honor of having a Painting Your Soul experience at my office. I went into it not having any expectations or art skills. I had been very stressed out, burned out and exhausted from giving to everyone in my life and at my practice. I really needed this time for myself and my soul. The experience was so healing and nurturing for me. I loved how it incorporated each of my senses and really enjoyed the essential oils and crystal aspect. The guided meditation helped ground me and prepare me for the painting. It was such a release to put the colors on the canvas. I painted and painted and painted and ended up covering the entire canvas. Each color helped me release an emotion and when I was done I felt clear and much calmer than I did an hour before. Karen and her Painting Your Soul kit offers a unique healing experience. It is something that can be done individually or in a group and the kit can be used several times. I really thought the journaling was so powerful and when I went back to read it several weeks later I was amazied by what I wrote and how my life had changed since writing those words. This experience has impacted my life in ways that I never thought possible and now I have a beautiful canvas painting to look at and remind me to continue my self care practice. Thank you Karen for creating the Painting Your Soul kit and sharing it with the world. I am forever grateful.
The last two months have been a beautiful journey, I have spent time focusing on my health, mental and physical, my family, my career, my goals, and really finding out what I want from life. Soul care couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Painting Your Soul is a company that I connected with through a very dear friend, and I had no idea it would have such a lasting impression and impact on me and my life. Painting Your Soul incorporates not only creativity and inner exploration through journaling and painting but also the healing properties of essential oils and other grounding techniques. Read more from Christine at @christinemovesmountains
I was fortunate enough to have been gifted a Painting Your SoulTM kit. I am an artist and I found the kit to be very high quality. The essential oils are amazingly calming. You really need to invest in the experience, whether you are into art or not. If you want to find a way to work on your mental health, this is a good way to go. The guided meditation with Karen’s voice is very calming, it’s lovely. Add the ocean sounds & the fact you can re-visit is a huge plus, frankly, I listen to the guided meditation outside of painting and found it also helps with anxiety.
Lynette Hoy
It felt very relaxing like I was letting go of what I was feeling in the moments before the first round of painting. What I painted was not dark. During the meditation, I could see the water, and the light on it, I could see the sunset pictures I used to draw as a kid and how proud I was of them – very young, six maybe? Last summer I went to a women’s camp, and I attended a painting class, with canvas just like this. I did not feel loved or welcome and found my ability to paint anything was not present, but being lonely was all that went through me and it showed. I hated what I painted. I felt bad. It seemed dark, it reflected how I felt.
This time I felt peaceful. I felt loved by ME. I discovered I have work to do on myself as we all do, but I felt in these moments, listening to the waves and painting, I could do that work on myself. I played the audio provided by Karen, of the ocean as part of the meditation as I painted. Thank you, Karen, for creating this product of love.
The Impact of Painting Your Soul™
Learn how the multi-sensory SoulCare™ experience has impacted people and allowed them to connect with themselves on a deeper level.
Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare Professionals share their thoughts on Painting Your Soul TM and how it impacted them and how they see it helping patients with chronic illness, dementia, and more.
“Watch Jennifer’s story and how Painting Your SoulTM impacted her and her family”
“Today I am feeling a sense of relief. I think a weight has lifted off my shoulders. I finally had time to myself. I am realizing that I should start to allocate “me” time. To focus on myself and the growth I need. It is so nice to express yourself. I am feeling a hunger, a hunger for more out of life. I am stress free. I am happy. I am grateful. I am feeling determined and ready for change.”
“Beyond my expectations! So beautifully presented and so nicely executed. A wonderful way to start to paint.Thank you so much for a wonderful experience!”
“I would love to share this opportunity with other people and can’t wait until they are available. Karen has done an incredible job of bringing a high quality, reusable product that serves an important purpose!”
Kelly Thomas
Painting Your Soul Gift Box from the safety of your home.
Painting Your Soul Workshop @ Mariners Church
“Art From The Inside Out”
Joey & Kate
“We had no idea of what to expect. We have done other painting workshops for fun, but this is WAY different. The set up process leading into the meditation music and guidance allowed us to really get into a comfortable place to start painting without restriction. It was amazing to feel free to express my inner self and see it reflected on to the canvas. I would highly recommend Painting Your Soul to everyone I encounter from now on! You won’t really know what it’s like until you try it!”
“When I was done painting and looked at the final canvas, I realized I didn’t remember what I had painted. It was like I was in space floating with no control of my hands as they painted. I got to let go and let my inner self speak. It was amazing.”
Painting Your Soul Workshop
“Karen’s passion for this journey was amazing. So proud to have been a part of your journey. Take time to create.”
Painting Your Soul Workshop @ Mariners Church
“Art From the Inside Out”
Painting Your Soul Workshop
“What an amazing experience! Everyone should have the chance to do this! You don’t know what lies beneath the surface until ‘Painting Your Soul’.
Painting Your Soul @ Mariners Church
“I didn’t come with any expectations, the only thing was to see what God has for me. To just relax and let the creativity flow and be led by God.”
Painting Your Soul Workshop
“I’ve painted before, but never journaled during… I’ve never painted anything like this. It was wonderful!
“My experience with you Karen has been amazing, the thing that stands out actually, everything is I would say perfection for someone like me with chronic pain needs. Feeling the brushes and the aromatherapy was really soothing. Having the candles and the light was very calming and soothing. Your voice on the recording was amazing and extremely authentic and I felt as if you were present in the room with me. The affirmations prior to listening to mediation, journaling and the visualization you guided me through and letting go of judgement was really good. It was a really good experience for me to recenter and let my soul speak rather than my mind. The colors were very beautiful and you were very generous and gracious.”
Rita Goldberg
Editor – Joli Magazine
“I am still talking about the amazing experience I had at your studio. I am so excited to share this with our 20,000 readers.”