How Painting Your Soul’s approach is resonating around the world

Stroll Harbor Bluffs

September 2024

Karen Hanlon never expected her personal journey of healing through art would lead to an international movement. Yet today, this Belleair Beach resident is making waves in the world of holistic wellness with her innovative approach to art therapy. Karen, the founder of Painting Your Soul, has taken her passion for creative expression from local workshops to global stages, proving that sometimes the most powerful medicine comes in the form of a paintbrush and an open heart.

“I started this as a way to heal myself,” Karen reflects, sitting in her studio overlooking the Gulf. “Now, I’m watching it transform lives across continents. It’s humbling and incredibly exciting.”

The Power of the Paintbrush

Karen’s journey began as a personal quest for healing, but it quickly blossomed into something much larger. “There’s a language beyond words,” Karen explains, “a way to tap into the deepest recesses of our being and express ourselves authentically.” This philosophy forms the cornerstone of Painting Your Soul, which combines painting, meditation, journaling, and aromatherapy into a powerful tool for self-discovery and emotional wellness.

The beauty of this approach lies in its accessibility. “It’s not about artistic talent,” Karen emphasizes, “but about the journey, the exploration, the freedom to express oneself without judgment.” This inclusive philosophy has resonated with people from all walks of life, from stressed executives to veterans grappling with PTSD.

A Box of Transformation

Central to Painting Your Soul’s mission is the expressive arts box, a carefully curated kit that brings the healing power of expressive arts directly into homes and healthcare settings. Each box contains high-quality art supplies, guided meditations, essential oils, and journaling prompts, providing a complete toolkit for emotional exploration and healing.

“The kit allowed me to pause, breathe, and regenerate,” shares local participant Jenny. “It’s more than just art; it’s a medium through which I’ve been able to channel emotions, find clarity, and reconnect with the passions and dreams that often get lost in the business of life. I didn’t just find art; I found a piece of myself that I had long forgotten.”

From Belleair Beach to the World Stage

Karen’s innovative approach hasn’t gone unnoticed. Recently, she graced the cover of Best Holistic Life magazine, a testament to the growing recognition of art therapy in the wellness community. But perhaps even more exciting was her recent appearance at the Global Woman Summit in London, where she shared her story and vision with an international audience.

“Standing on that stage, facing women from around the world, I felt the true power of what we’ve created,” Karen reflects. “It’s not just about painting; it’s about connecting people to their inner selves and to each other.”

The summit also saw the creation of a collaborative art piece, with women from various countries adding their personal touches—a vivid representation of the universal language of creativity that Karen champions.

Healing Heroes

One of the most impactful applications of Painting Your Soul has been its work with veterans. In partnership with local VA hospitals, Karen has developed programs specifically tailored to help veterans process trauma and find new avenues for self-expression.

Anthony, a veteran who participated in a recent Painting Your Soul workshop, shares, “Since returning from deployment, I’ve suffered from PTSD that I really can’t control. But what I can control is my heart and the happiness I experience. This workshop is helping me with that.”

A Colorful Future

As Painting Your Soul continues to grow, Karen remains committed to spreading the healing power of art therapy. With programs set to launch in the UK, Germany, and Greece, the movement that started here in Tampa Bay is truly going global.

“We’re painting a more vibrant, emotionally resilient world—one brushstroke at a time,” Hanlon says with a smile. “And everyone is invited to pick up a brush and join us.”

For those interested in experiencing the transformative power of Painting Your Soul, visit or look for upcoming local workshops. After all, as Karen often reminds us, “We are all artists inside, and we all have something to express.”